GOLD USD -2732.15 | GOLD MYR -379.87 | SILVER USD -34.04 | SILVER MYR -4.73 | USD/MYR -4.3245

When To Buy Gold

When To Buy Gold


Many people often inquire about the best time to buy gold. By looking at historical data, it becomes evident that certain periods were opportune for purchasing gold bullion. In hindsight, 2005/06 stands out as a great time to buy gold, as the price stood at just RM 50 per gram before experiencing consistent increases. Similarly, during the global crisis in 2007/08, the gold price was around RM 75 per gram, presenting another favorable opportunity. Investors who recognized these signs early took full advantage and have since witnessed significant growth in their gold investments, with the price more than doubling over the past decade.

Additionally, the global pandemic and subsequent economic crisis in 2020 provided another advantageous period for buying gold, with prices rising from RM 200 per gram in April to a new all-time high of RM 270 per gram in August of the same year.

Currently, two common questions heard on a daily basis are whether it is too late to buy gold and how much longer the gold price can continue to rise. Unfortunately, there is no precise science to determine the perfect time to buy gold. However, successful investors rely on effective and timeless techniques and indicators to help them make informed decisions about the best timing for purchasing gold.